Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Some People Say She's Not A Person

All her physical characteristics are decided at the moment of conception.

Some people say she's not a person.

She has her own unique fingerprints 14 days after conception.

Some people say she's not a person.

Her heart begins to beat 18 days after conception.

Some people say she's not a person.

She starts to respond to sound and duck away from strong light as early as 16 weeks.

Some people say she's not a person.

She is able to swallow, yawn, and suck on her fingers by 18 weeks.

Some people say she's not a person.

When she sees light, she follows it with her hands as early as 20 weeks.

Some people say she's not a person.

She comes to know her mother's voice and even change the pattern of her finger-sucking in order to activate her mother's voice around 25 weeks.

Some people say she's not a person.

She recognizes nursery rhymes and music around 33 weeks.

Some people say she's not a person.

When she is born, she calms down when she hears the music from TV shows that her mother watched during pregnancy.

Some people say she's not a person.

She is a fully-functioning human being by 38 weeks.

And yet some people say she's not a person.